Sunday 4 September 2011

Y.C.B (Y.Chromosome Booster)

How to Have a Baby Boy

  • While many people write off traditional methods for gender prediction as nothing more than old wives' tales, some of these seemingly antiquated methods now have legitimate scientific backing, suggesting that perhaps we have more control over our babies' genders than we previously thought. Read this article for helpful tips on how to increase (Y Chromosomes for) your chances of conceiving a boy.

Part 1 of 2: Increasing the Odds

1 Understand the mechanics. It is ultimately the man who determines the gender of the baby, because a woman always produces an X chromosome. Each individual male sperm carries either an X chromosome or Y chromosome, and whichever one reaches the female egg first will determine the gender of the baby (XX for a female and XY for a male). The goal, then, when it comes to having a boy is to increase the likelihood that a Y chromosome sperm reaches the egg first.

  •  Many medical researchers believe that Y chromosome sperm are faster swimmers, but that X chromosome sperm have more endurance. To increase the likelihood of having a boy, you'll want make it so that the sperm are released as close to the egg as possible so that Y chromosome sperm can reach the egg before getting "worn out.

2 Assume the position. It is a common belief that the deeper a man penetrates a woman, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a boy. This is based upon the belief that Y chromosome sperm swim faster but have less endurance than X chromosome sperm. With deep penetration, the race to reach the egg is more of a "sprint" than a marathon, giving the Y chromosome sperm a leg up.

  • The following are deep-penetration positions: "doggy style" (or rear entry) sex, sex with the woman on top, and sex with the man on top and the woman's legs pulled toward her chest.

3 Eat a high-alkaline diet. Alkalinizing foods like spinach, broccoli, kale, radishes, beets, lemons, and garlic not only help keep our bodies' pH levels balanced, they reduce the acidity of a woman's cervical fluid, making it more conducive for Y chromosome sperm.

  • Consume these foods in the days and weeks prior to conception to increase the likelihood of having a boy.

4 Increase your caloric intake. Studies have shown that women who consume a high-calorie diet prior to conception are significantly more likely to produce a boy than women who follow a very restricted diet.

  • Even if you normally follow a low-calorie diet, you may want to temporarily load up on extra calories in the weeks prior to conception. Remember that you're going to gain weight during your pregnancy, anyway!

5 Consume more potassium and sodium. An Oxford University study revealed that women who consumed more potassium and sodium prior to conception were more likely to conceive boys.

  • Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, while sodium-rich foods include salami and other cured meats, cheese, pickled foods, soda, and salty snacks like pretzels and chips.

Part 2 of 2: Increasing the Y Chromosome BY Using Our Y.C.B Product

Natural Herbal.
  • Our Y.C.B. (Y Chromosome Booster) Product, we have succeed to launch after many years work. The Y.C.B is the natural herbal medicine to influence the Y Chromosome's in Male sperms.
What is the Y chromosome?

  • The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in humans (the other is the X chromosome). The sex chromosomes form one of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes in each cell. The Y chromosome spans more than 59 million building blocks of DNA (base pairs) and represents almost 2 percent of the total DNA in cells.
  • Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. The Y chromosome is present in males, who have one X and one Y chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes.
  • Identifying genes on each chromosome is an active area of genetic research. Because researchers use different approaches to predict the number of genes on each chromosome, the estimated number of genes varies. The Y chromosome likely contains 50 to 60 genes that provide instructions for making proteins. Because only males have the Y chromosome, the genes on this chromosome tend to be involved in male sex determination and development. Sex is determined by the SRY gene, which is responsible for the development of a fetus into a male. Other genes on the Y chromosome are important for male fertility.
  • Many genes are unique to the Y chromosome, but genes in areas known as pseudoautosomal regions are present on both sex chromosomes. As a result, men and women each have two functional copies of these genes. Many genes in the pseudoautosomal regions are essential for normal development.
  • Genes on the Y chromosome are among the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 total genes in the human genome.

The reason Make Y.C.B.

  • Many men wonder how to increase the Y chromosome count in their sperm - they want to do this in order to amp up their chances of conceiving a boy with their partners. There are many myths about Y chromosome production by using Y.Chromosome Booster in the end, you conceive a male fetus with your partner is largely up to 87% chance. However, there are some techniques you can try that may improve the odds of conceiving a boy with your spouse.

  • While most scientists feel that Y and X spermatozoa move at the same rate of speed, others believe that Y chromosome sperm can actually "swim” faster. If Y sperm really do move more quickly, there are certain sexual positions that may help them win the race to fertilize an egg. These positions will be deeply penetrative, so that ejaculation takes place very close to the cervix.

  • Some doctors recommend abstaining from sexual contact for several days prior to your partner’s optimum ovulation phase. This way, sperm will be stored up in larger numbers. When you are ready to try and conceive a child, choose a sex position that is particularly penetrative, such as the male entering the woman from behind - this sort of position may be a good way to up your chances of conceiving a male child.
  • Technology is sometimes used to boost the chances of conceiving a boy - for example, many fertility clinics offer a service known as "sperm spinning”. In this procedure, sperm are separated, washed, and tagged according to their X or Y chromosomes. This service costs several hundred dollars - however, it will increase the odds of conceiving a boy (or a girl, if you want a daughter) from about 50 percent to 60-65 %. As you can see, even the highest levels of medical technology cannot really boost Y chromosomes in sperm.

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